Saturday, April 30, 2016

What You Can Do to Help

"I would have called you earlier but I didn't know what to say and I didn't want to bother you."

I can't even count the number of times I have heard this, or similar, statements over the past few months and I am sure that Chad has heard it even more frequently.

Guess what?  We don't know what to say either!

In all seriousness, we know that people mean well and are simply trying to take their cues from us.  But the reality is that we are too busy living with the day to day world of cancer, and all that comes with it, to be able to provide those cues for friends and family.  

So after having this same conversation twice today, with what I consider to be close friends,  I thought that I'd share some general guidelines with you all.  I don't claim that these thoughts and feelings mirror those of anyone else in our situation, but hope that they help you understand where we are coming from at this time.

1)  A phone call or text is never a bother.  On the contrary, it helps us feel connected to the outside world when so much of our day to day lives are caught up at home.  Some days it is all we can do to accomplish the requirements of the day - getting up, showering, working.  Other days, especially on certain parts of the chemo cycle, even that is too much for Chad to handle. Hearing a few words of encouragement can go a long way!

2) If there is something you'd like to do to help, please just do it.   Honestly, we are not ones to ask for help.  And if you ask if if we need something, we will likely just say no. While we appreciate all of your kind offers to call when we need something, we aren't going to call.  We aren't going to reach out because we already feel guilty for all that people are doing to help.  We could never ask nor expect more.

3) Please initiate hanging out / visiting / going to dinner.  Speaking for myself, I know that there are people who are figuring that I will reach out to them when I am ready to socialize.  The truth of the matter is, I won't.  I just can't.  The idea of trying to organize something and risk getting rejected by the ones I am reaching out to is just too much for me at this time. Please feel free to reach out to us and include us in plans - bbq's, parties, dinners, whatever.  If it isn't a good time, we will  graciously decline.  But just being invited helps.

4) It is ok to ask how things are going.  I know that people worry about asking.  Please don't.  We are pretty open to sharing Chad's story.  By asking how things are going, you are demonstrating you care.  It isn't a bother and won't ever offend us.  More than likely we won't ever bring it up first.  That doesn't mean we don't want / need to talk about it, it is just that this fight consumes so much of our lives that we try to not dwell on it more than is required.

5) Just be yourself, and allow us the same.  As simple as that sounds, it is what it all boils down to.
Yes, life sucks at our house right now.

Yes, we are dealing with a terminal illness.

But we are still living our lives and taking it day by day.  We want and need the same things that we had before December 11th.

Most of all, we need our friends and family by our side, not afraid to reach out to us.

Thanks for all your love and support,

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Everyday Miracles

Miracles are the small things that surround us each day. 

Sometimes you are led to things that help you to regain perspective.  Take tonight for instance.  I just came home from watching the movie "Miracles From Heaven."  (If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it, but bring the tissues.  LOTS of them.)

One of the key messages of the movie is that miracles aren't always big and grand, but rather the small things that surround us every day.

I reflected on this message as I drove home tonight.  Our family has, and is, truly surrounded by miracles.  Each and every day...

  • A text or call from a friend checking in to see how we are doing.
  • Cards, notes, and get well wishes that come in the mail and bring a smile to our face.
  • Special gifts of hope and love - a prayer shawl, t-shirt, necklace, chemo buddy - physical reminders of the strength of faith, hope, and courage as we undertake this battle.
  • A note or message to share a special memory.
  • Family visits, that include a tremendous amount of help and support.
  • An invitation to spend time together- going to a movie, taking a walk, going golfing, dinner out, game night.
  • People taking the time and walking with us to raise funds to find a cure for pancreatic cancer.
  • Donations to pancreatic cancer research, in honor of Chad
  • Prayers, prayers, and more prayers.
  • A message on facebook to say "hey, I'm thinking about you today."
  • Dinners prepared and delivered to our family and gift cards for meals.
  • Impromptu visits - just to say hi.
  • Anonymous donations to a medical fund, set up by an anonymous person.
  • A kind word, smile, or hug, with an inquiry about how we are doing.
  • Understanding employers 
  • Friends that lend a shoulder and listen to the venting and crying and questions
  • Those supporting our journey by following Chad's story on the facebook page
  • Positive posts or pictures shared with us
  • And so very many more..
If you are reading this, I hope that you see yourself in one or more of these miracles.  Because simply stated - our friends and family are our miracles.  You are the ones that help us to get up each day and continue to fight this battle.  

Yes, we believe in big miracles.  We will keep believing and hoping for big miracles.  But please know, it's the small miracles that keep us afloat day by day.

Thank you for being the miracles in our lives.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

I Decline

Earlier this week I responded to a Facebook post from a parent of a former student.  She had posted a picture of a very grown up young lady that I had the privilege to teach as a first grader.  When she remarked that this young lady was about to become a teenager, I responded with "I decline that reality."

Later that night, I thought about that phrase and how well it fits my current life.

Oh, how I would love to decline my current reality.

I decline the reality that we don't know what the future brings.

I decline the reality that I cannot fix this gaping issue that clouds every aspect of our lives.

I decline the reality that my husband currently has more prescriptions a month than he has probably had in our entire 20 + years of  marriage.

I decline the reality that the only hope for treatment brings with it a host of side effects and complications that are horrible for him to endure.

I decline the reality that my children have to face this and that our grandson may never get the chance to truly know and remember his Pappy.  And that I might not have the opportunity to grow old with him.

I decline  the reality of the statistics that go along with this diagnosis.

I decline the reality that cancer has taken over our lives.

I decline my current reality.

Oh, how I wish I could REALLY do that.  I wish that I could decline what has overtaken our lives and become the reality with which we live.

This weekend brought an anniversary of sorts.  Three months ago, Chad was hospitalized and underwent his first test that hinted that something more serious might be going on than the gall bladder issue we thought we were dealing with.  We had no idea what the preliminary result of that test would be. The results that would lead to further tests, and a conversation a few short days later that would tear our world apart.

The doctor taking me into a small consultation room and saying..."I found a tumor in the pancreas.  It is likely cancer."  And a few weeks later, the news that it had spread to other organs.  Not only cancer, but Stage IV cancer.  

You know, we don't really use that word at our house.


It's a bad word -- a word that if it remains unspoken, won't be so daunting.  But, unspoken or not, it IS our reality.  As much as I want to decline it, it isn't going away.

But my friends, we are strong--we are brave--we will continue to fight.  We will do anything we can to keep this monster at bay.

But I hope that you'll all excuse me while I take a break and bury my head in the sand...and decline this reality.

At least for a few minutes.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Really Mother Nature?

Someone ticked Mother Nature off.  They must have - there is no other explanation for the really crummy weather she has been giving us.  The calendar tells me it is summer, but I have my doubts.  This is what I have seen so far this summer...

  1. Hail.  Lots of hail.  BIG hail, small hail, lots and lots of hail. Dakota's car has some not so pretty new dimples and I'm really grateful that mine gets to live in a garage most of the time.
  2. Wind that blows non-stop.  I have lost count of the number of limbs I have seen down around my neighborhood.
  3. Rain, of the torrential variety.  Some days up to two inches of rain.  While my grass is very green, it is also soggy and full of weeds and impossible to mow - because of the rain.  And let's not discuss my vegetable plants that drowned.  Poor tomatoes...
  4. Thunderstorms - amazing light shows but that thunder makes it hard to sleep.
  5. Tornado warnings and actual tornadoes.  Not much more needs said about that.  
As you can see, what is missing from my list is calm, sunny, warm days.  Sigh...

Maybe Mother Nature can be bribed to ante up some good summer weather. Maybe I can start with a sacrificial hormonal teenage boy or two??

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Best Birthday Present a Brother Can Get

For 10 days a year my big brother and I are the same age.  I was his first birthday present - born just 10 days before he turned a year old.  I do believe that my parents must have been nuts.  I mean, I can NOT imagine having a 3-month old and finding out that another one was on the way.  It was hard enough having a 3 year old and a 2 year old when their respective brothers showed up!

(Back Row) Mike, Darcy
(Front Row) Becky, Cyndi, Roger
Circa 1981
But, back to my big brother.  While I personally think he is the luckiest guy in the world to get me for a sister, and as a birthday present to boot, I get the vague feeling that he might not agree.  That  feeling may be rooted in the various physical and psychological scars that I carry from him or it might just be my imagination.  Who knows?

Because I was his birthday present, for 10 days a year, we get to be the same age.  Except that growing up those were the most dangerous days of the year. 

 As hard as it is to believe now, growing up I was a tomboy.  I was taller than my brother, faster than him, and meaner than him, at least most of the time.  Therefore my parents couldn't really say "Don't pick on her because she's a girl" so instead they said "Don't pick on her because you are older than her."  Unfortunately, for 10 days a year that wasn't true.  And he made me pay-- I have the scars to prove it!!

But now as an adult, I feel like I am the one that has gotten the present.  While we might not always agree with one another or spend a lot of time together, I feel lucky to have him as a brother.  I know that he is always there for me.  So, now that you are once again OLDER than me - Happy Birthday Big Brother!
Mike, Darcy, Colt, Chad, Dakota

Friday, June 27, 2014

What Make Me a Raving Lunatic?

Photo shopping courtesy of Colt
Everyone has them.  Those little things in life that bother you, like people who leave the toilet seat up or talk on their cell phones at the table in a restaurant.  Yes my friends, today we are going to be talking about PET PEEVES.  Specifically, mine. 

Now, I'll be honest.  There are a few things in my life that bug me annoy me drive me stark raving mad  make me look like the monster above mildly bother me.  My family thinks they are all silly things but I'll let you bet the judge of that.

1.  Open cabinet doors.  Why people? Why?  How hard is it to SHUT the cabinet door when you are done getting out your food or plate or what ever you were in there for?  I will be sitting at the kitchen table and look up and see 4 different cabinet doors open.  Really?  Are you afraid if you shut it you will use all of your energy and be unable to consume the snack you just made? 

This is apparently such a joke to my loving family that yesterday Dakota and Colt came up with the plan to open every cabinet door in the kitchen while I was at work and wait to see what my reaction would be.  It is lucky for them that I got home before they implemented this plan.  I doubt they've seen a head spin completely around before and it may have scarred them for life.

2. Being late.  It is not only a pet peeve, it gives me intense anxiety.  Even if it is just a couple minutes late.  I leave 30 minutes early to drive somewhere that I know will only take 15 minutes.  Because things happen you know.  We may have a tornado that suddenly comes up and drops a tree in the middle of the road and I would have to find a detour.  Or maybe I might pass Blake Shelton's tour bus and have to run it down so I can get an autograph.  All of this is possible on the way to my dentist's office, so I'm prepared and leave extra early just in case. 

3.  Others being late.  Especially if it is for a dinner party.  In my (slightly OCD) mind, if I say dinner is at 6, it is on the table and ready to be eaten at 6.  Through strong medication (wine) and therapy (whining to my hubby) I am beginning to move past this pet peeve - but it is a work in process. I've at least managed to implement a cocktail and appetizer hour for dinner parties--whatever works, right?

4.  My dog licking, which he does NON.STOP. He can't even sleep in our room any more because it will wake me from a sound sleep with doggy homicide on my mind. Now I should say that we have a very senior dog.  We rescued him 10 years ago and at the time we were told by the rescue that he was about 4 1/2 years old.  At his first vet checkup we were told that we got lied to and he was much older.  As near as we can figure Jordan is now in the 16-18 year range. With his age comes pain.  I know that the licking is his doggy way of helping relieve the pain.  But I pay good money for hardcore pain meds that he gets twice a day (without fail because my dog is a Tramadol junkie that has taken to lying to get an extra fix, but that is a whole other blog post) so he really should just rely on the meds and give his mommy's nerves a break. 

So there you go - those are my four big ones.  I'm sure that there are others, but those are the ones that tend to crop up over and over and over again.  Maybe someday I'll get my family, human and canine alike, to shape up and quit annoying me but until then... leave me a comment and tell me what are your pet peeves?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

From 30 to 40

Me at 30 - with one of my classmates from Northern Arizona University.

A few weeks before my 40th birthday, with my amazing husband.

Last week I turned 40.  I have to admit - it was a bit harder than I thought it would be.  I know, I know..Age is just a number.  You're only as old as you feel.  Forty is the new thirty.  Blah, blah, blah...  Honestly, I haven't had such a hard time with a birthday since I turned 30. What is it about those decade years that are so hard to swallow?  Regardless, as my birthday came and passed,  I thought back over the past 10 years.  What did I really accomplish in my fabulous 30's and how has my life changed?  

Let's see:

A new house, 1, 300 miles away from where I began my 30's. 

Two college degrees and a new career in education, something that had long been a dream of mine.

Boys that have grown from not having yet started kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 7th grade to young men -- two of whom have graduated from high school and the youngest looking to begin 10th grade. 

Living through having one of those boys attend basic training for the Army National Guard and then deploy to Afghanistan. 

More new cars than I can remember -- a minivan for when the kids were still smaller, an all-wheel drive SUV for the Omaha snow, two pickups for Chad, a kid car to replace the one Ben totaled, and then another kid car to replace that one after the u-joint broke while Dakota was driving it. 

Two male teen drivers and all the financial costs that includes and - heaven help me- the third one gets his permit in two weeks.

A plethora of family adventures that crossed a billion things off of my bucket list - swimming in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans,  visits to a variety of National Parks and Memorials, cruising to Mexico, terrifying rides at amusement parks and water parks, white water rafting, concerts, fairs, rodeos, and visiting many new states!

Becoming a mother-in-law and seeing my oldest son married and on his own. 

Losing my dad.

My first wrinkle --- and several of her friends have since joined the party as well.  They also invited the gray hairs to jump in on the fun. 

More hairstyles and hair colors than I can remember!  (see the gray hair comment above)

New fitness goals - I would have never dreamed at 30 that I would be able to say that I've ridden 45 miles on a bike or completed a half-marathon.

Going from the second tallest person in my family to the shortest. 

Surgeries galore - one for me, one for Ben, two for Dakota.  Not to mention several broken bones, four bouts of physical therapy, MRI's, CAT Scans, x-rays, EKG, ultrasounds, and specialists to numerous to name.

Speaking of medical expenses -- 4 sets of braces, on and off.  Including a set for me.

Lost some friends, gained some new ones, strengthened the bonds with others.

Became a diehard football/baseball mom and cheered at 750 bajillion games -- and then transitioned into a trap mom with her own set of ear plugs. 

Developed a taste for wine - couldn't stand it at 30.

Transitioned from paper scrapbooking, with a closet full of necessary supplies and tools, to digital scrapbooking with only my laptop.

Can you say smartphone?  And Facebook.  Mustn't forget Facebook.

I could go on and on, but the thing that has become clear to me is this:

I have a life that I am proud of, and will continue to be proud of - through my 40's and 50's and beyond.  Some things change and some things stay the same, but it is all what makes me, me.

I wonder now what the future holds and what new adventures await me in this next decade of my life.  A new state to live in?  More daughter-in-laws?  Grandchildren?  New career paths?  A new found hobby? Vacations to exotic places? (ok, that one's just a hint for Chad)

Whatever may change or remain the same - I am ready for it.  Bring it on 40's!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To Be a Writer...You Have to Write

To be a writer, you have to write.  I shattering revelation there, right?  Probably not, but today it was for me.  Let me explain. 

I am a teacher.  A second grade teacher.  My job is to teach young minds how to be life long readers and writers.  In order to be the best teacher that I can be, I spend the summer dabbling in some personal "professional" development (ie...reading a teacher book or two so that I don't feel like I have wasted squandered spent too much time away from my chosen vocation on my summer vacation).  This summer I pulled an older book off my shelf that I have had for a few years but haven't gotten around to reading (let's be honest, I'm a chick lit junkie and it got lost behind the bright pink novels that are full of sexy guys and situations that NEVER really happen!). 

Anyway... the book is all about teaching writing and is called What You Know By Heart and is written by Katie Wood Ray.  Though it was published in 2002, it is still full of great thought-provoking lessons.  After reading the first few chapters today, where Katie discusses how she creates her writing curriculum based on what SHE does as a writer, I was left thinking.  What is it that I do as a writer?  Wait, when was the last time I wrote anything?  Does my Dad's obituary in March (as important as that was) really count? I do have that blog...but the last post was in 2012.  Ummm wait..that can't be right, that was two  FREAKING years ago!!!  How can I teach my kids to be better writing, using my experiences, if I am not taking the time to write?  

Needless to say, my realization is this -- if I am going to be an effective teacher of writing, I need to spend some time writing.  Writing to share my thoughts and ideas.  Writing to remember what the process is like.  Writing to gain understandings, as Katie Wood Ray says, that I can then share with my students. 

So this is my summer professional development commitment.  I will take the time to write, if not everyday, at least most days.  What will I write about?  Whatever comes to mind.  If I wasn't writing today about needing to write (ok, that's a funny sentence)  then I might write about watching the truck come around the corner today and lose it's load of bricks.  How that prompted a conversation between Dakota and I about how split seconds can truly make the difference between life and death.  Or how I am struggling with becoming active again after the death of my father.  How it has been three months now and I still can't find the intrinsic motivation to get going.  Or maybe how BAD it hurt when I got a shot in the heel today at the doctor and I bleed all over the floor.  I might write about how Dakota threw a magazine at my head (and hit me!) when I threatened to video his face as the Dr. took his stitches out from his foot surgery.  Maybe about disappointments when friends cancel plans on you or don't bother to show up for an important event in your life.  How turning 40 is WAY harder than I thought.  Or even how I hate to be late for anything, it gives me serious anxiety that even Xanax can't take away.  Not that I've tried Xanax.  If you ask my kids, maybe I should. Probably my husband would agree that Xanax is needed.  Wow -- who would have thought I had so much on my mind?

So, though this is the Heath Family blog, you'll be stuck with the rambling thoughts of Darcy over the next few months.  I'll try to incorporate some Heath Family news into the mix, as much as possible, and under the threat of death from the teenagers when I share anything remotely personal about them.  My hope is that through this process of writing I'll develop some understandings that will help me become the teacher of writing that I want to be.  Wish me luck friends!

Friday, August 3, 2012

There are 21 Days of Summer Vacation...but only if you are crazy!

What in the world was I thinking? Loading up the car for a 21 day road trip to Idaho?  Only having my husband with us on the weekends? This girl must have forgotten her sanity or taken too many happy pills when plans were being made! But since the plans were made, away we went.  Our first stop was in South Dakota. Chad flew into Rapid City to meet us, the boys and I had to drive. Totally unfair, right? The next morning we jetted off (yeah, wishful thinking -- in reality we drove) to see Mount Rushmore.

"Look Mom, I finally found a bowl big enough for my cereal in the morning!"

After leaving Mt. Rushmore we headed for the hills.  Well, across them really.  Our destination for the night was Cody, WY and the Cody Night Rodeo.  **Bad Parent Alert** we realized on the way there that Colt had NEVER been to a rodeo and Dakota was a babe in arms the last time he went.  The cowboy gods are rolling over and revoking our right to wear Wranglers as we speak...

Dakota really did have fun, contrary to what you make think when looking at that scowl.

Ahh, but the fun didn't stop there!  We decided to mosey (working on my cowgirl language) on into Yellowstone to see what we could see.  Unfortunately all we could see was water - in the forms of lakes, geysers, mudpots, and rivers.  But very few animals.  A couple deer and a elk were all that we spotted.  A bit disappointing but we loved the scenery and the geysers and Colt learned (somewhat) how to skip rocks and I learned that sun + standing by water throughout the day should have equaled sunblock for my shoulders!
Wading in Yellowstone Lake.

Back to where water flows the correct direction!

Waiting impatiently for Old Faithful to erupt.  It was late, of course!

Finally we made it to Blackfoot to see Chad's family and attend the first of the two family reunions.  Lots of fun there!
Got to love a reunion with old school playground equipment, fishing, and canoes!

Then we dropped him (that jet-setting hubby of mine) off at the airport and continued our crazy journey across the state to Council.  While in Council we fly-fished on the Little Salmon (and caught only our limit - I swear!), picked wild blackberries in Hell's Canyon and then made them into jam, went white water rafting (didn't drown and rememberd the sunblock this time) and horse back riding, and had our second fabulous reunion.  Chad joined us just in time to enjoy the rafting and reunion. 
Drinkwine family
Small but tasty!

Lovely picture of our behinds while we pick blackberries at the side of the road in Hell's Canyon.

29 pints of blackberry and strawberry jam.  I have to can jam every time I go home to Idaho, it is tradition!
White-water rafting on the Salmon River

Then back to the airport Chad went and off to Nampa we traveled.  There we helped Grandma Michele do a few remodeling projects, enjoyed the Canyon County fair (where Dakota was hypnotised and almost got into a fist fight with another participant over who had the worst fake B.O.) and attend my (Darcy's) 20th High School Reunion.  Unfortunately Dakota swears he will never EVER EVER speak to me again if I post any hypnosis pictures (or videos!!) so I won't.  However, if you send me a private message I might share them.  (Nah, probably not)
Canyon County Fair

Me and some buddies from Payette High School Class of 1992!

Headed out to the first night of the reunion.

And then we drove home.  I have no pictures or witty words from there as by that time we were done!  We didn't stop at any scenic vistas, heck we barely even stopped for gas!  While our summer vacation was a ball and we did and saw many fantastic things, next year I think we'll stick to a normal 7 day trip.  I think that is more than enough time to be away from home!  :)

Family ReunionTime!

Chad's video of the swing at Methodist Hill.  He's comment is "That's what a 40-something year old gets for trying to keep up with his teenage kids."  Priceless!!!
Spinning the McCulloch cousins around and around!
I love family reunions. Who knows us better or loves us more than our families? However, when families are spread throughout the country, like ours are, you don't get to see them quite as often as you'd like and it is simply amazing to me how much time can go by between visits. We figured out that it had been 4 1/2 years since we had been home to see my mother and father (though they have been to see us) and 1 1/2 years since we went to visit Chad's family.  This summer we took a 3 week vacation and were blessed to attend two family reunions in Idaho - both with my father's side of the family and Chad's mother's side of the family and see many relatives on my mother's side. It is sad that I was seeing my niece for the first time in 20 years and meeting my 13-year old great niece for the first time ever. But even though we have let FAR too much time pass between visits home, we definately took the opportunity to celebrate while we were there. Thanks to the Drinkwine and Heath families for being wonderful people. While we may not make it home often, you are in our thoughts and prayers always.  I promise we won't wait so long next time!
Taking a spin on the barrel train.

Us with Chad's Dad and Step-mom.  Not such a great picture of me, too much good picnic food I guess!

What better way to spend your time then climbing hay bales?

Aunt Sher and Kayleigh go for a spin on the raft.

The swing at Methodist Creek.  I'll post the video of Chad's landing too.

Uncle Chad takes Colt and Cole fishing, and Kay is just hanging out too.

Water fight - Drinkwine style.  Yes, we are a classy bunch!

My beautiful niece Shannon and her family.

Some of the Drinkwine clan.  So sad that not everyone was able to make it! I guess when there are 9 kids,  23 grandkids, and I don't even know how many GREAT-gandkids, it is hard to get everyone in the same place at once!

Hanging out in the shade.
Colt with Great-Grandma Dotty (Darcy's Grandma)
White water rafting with Darcy's mom and siblings - Becky and Mike and Mike's girlfriend Rochelle. Colt and Grandma Michele are there under the rapids, if you look closely! 
Darcy, Colt, Dakota, and GG (Great-Grandma Dotty).

My dad and step-mom.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday Fun

December is here, let the holiday fun begin!  The best part about the holidays is the traditions that come along with them. I love shopping with the boys for their special ornament each year. Every Christmas Eve we will have pizza for dinner, the boys will open one present (Oh I'm so surprised, it's pajamas!) and then it will be off to bed for them.  Christmas morning brings stockings and presents and a special breakfast too.

I know that the traditions are important to me but it seems that they are important to the rest of the family as well.  Coltin has already reminded me that we need to plan ahead for the pizza this year because the pizza shops all close early; we found that out the hard way last year.  Last year was also the first year that Ben was not with us on Christmas.  He was getting ready to deploy so he didn't need a lot of "stuff" and told us not to do too much for him for Christmas. I sent him a few things I thought he could use but I apparently forgot one important thing - his Christmas pajamas.  I had to send a 2nd package so that he was sure to have them for Christmas Eve.

Traditions are part of what makes the holidays so special.  I am grateful for my family and the traditions we have established.  I look forward to making new ones as they continue to grow and go off with families of their own.

Happy Holidays Everyone

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2008

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bad Blogger...

My, oh My!!  Has it really been 9 months since I updated our family blog?  That is enough time to have a baby...thankfully we didn't.  But had we had one at least I would have an excuse for my failure to keep on this.  I'm sure I could come up with a multitude of other VALID  reasons (yep, still excuses) as to why I haven't updated it, but rather than bore you with them I'm going to give you a top 10 run-down to get you up-to-date with the Heath Family.  (You know you can't wait) 

10...Coltin got braces.  Ok, I did too but you won't get to see a picture of that!  And he got a mohawk (just for the summer).  Plus he went to a special engineering / aeronautics summer school which cumulated with his riding in a Cessna and taking some awesome aerial photos and he went to a sleep-away summer camp for robotics for a week.  (He's been a pretty busy boy!)

9...Dakota has grown to 6'2", had a minor biking accident resulting in a broken arm, and has recently taken up robotics.

8... Ben left for Afghanistan in January. 

7...Chad turned the big 40.  Enough said about that!

6...We all made it through our first winter in Nebraska.  Although I did have to buy a new AWD car to make it through!

5...Chad traveled all over the country, as usual.  But I got to take a girl's trip to Vegas for my Spring Break.  My mom and three of my good friends spent time with me there -- it was tons of fun!!
Aunt Beki, Grandma Michele, Dakota, and Ben in Seattle

Darcy, Colt, and Dakota in front of the Golden Gate Bridge

4...The family made a few jaunts as well.  San Francisco in December for Chad's work, Seattle in February to see Ben one last time before he left the States, Idaho in March to see Chad's family, and...

3...The five of us (minus our soldier boy but plus Uncle Mike!) spent a week in Washington, D.C. which was amazing!!

2...Ben came home on leave from Afghanistan.  And our adopted son J.D. came to Omaha to visit too!

and 1...each of the boys had a birthday and are one year older.  (Ok, mom did too but she doesn't so much like to admit that!)  Ben will soon be 19-- and much too grown up, Colt is now 12 -- the last official year of tweenhood-- and Dakota is 15 and is getting his permit--tomorrow! 

Yikes, what a 9 months it has been!!  I promise to not wait so long before blogging next time.  There's too much to add otherwise!!

Thanks for visiting and stop by again soon for another peek into the crazy Heath family!!

Our Family

Our Family
July 2009

Welcome to Our Family Blog

I have started this blog as a way to share pictures and family stories with those we love. Moving to Nebraska has been the start of a new adventure for us -- one that leaves our oldest heading out into the world on his own and the younger two starting new adventures as well. Come along with us and take on Life on the Nebraska Praire!

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I am a busy 2nd grade teacher, wife and mother. I love technology and the ability it gives us to share ideas with others that we might have otherwise never known! Thanks for joining us here today and enjoy!